How to Find a Therapist

Each mental health professional, therapist, counsellor or doctor brings different training, experience, insights, and character to the table. How can you find a therapist who is right for you? Take heart, for the search will be worth the effort. “A good...

Cutting – Part 2

If you haven’t read it, see part 1 here! Find new coping techniques Self-harm is your way of dealing with feelings and difficult situations. So if you’re going to stop, you need to have alternative ways of coping in place so you can respond differently when you...

Cutting – Part 1

Self-harm, or an injury inflicted on oneself, often by cutting or burning, is generally a sign of intense inner turmoil, anxiety, and/or suppressed emotions. Self-injuring behavior is not the same as a suicide attempt: Though some individuals who self-harm may attempt...


Flashback Key Points Many times there is no actual visual or auditory memory with flashbacks. One may have a sense of panic, of being trapped, or a feeling of powerlessness with no memory stimulating it. These experiences can also happen in dreams. During the initial...

Worrying & Anxiety

How many thoughts do we have a day? Some studies have placed the number at 50000, others as high as 80000. Most of these thoughts are negative, repetitive, and serve no real purpose. It is no secret that your thoughts influence your effectiveness and your feelings,...

Coping In Hard Times

In these sometimes tough economic times, periods of unemployment is sometimes the reality. You worry about what will happen to you and your family. You worry about emergency situations popping up. The National Child and Traumatic Stress Network released a fact sheet...