How to Quiet a Busy Mind

Our face-paced culture, coupled with digital over-stimulation, yield a recipe for processing information constantly – even in the middle of the night.   We have both tools and resources at our fingertips to slow down our minds, but it takes practice, patience...

Reset Your Mood

One of the simplest and most effective tools to reduce stress and improve mental health is walking. Have you heard of Shinrin-yoku? From Japan, and translated as, “forest bathing”, it is the act of walking in nature to relax and manage stress. It is a practice...

10 Tips to Reduce Stress

Live Happier and Healthier: 10 Tips to Reduce Stress Lynda Monk March 1, 2016 According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada (January 2015), stress and stress-related illnesses are on the rise. Stress is so commonplace in our fast-paced society that it seems like...


Worry How many thoughts do we have a day? Some studies have placed the number at 50000, others as high as 80000.  Most of these thoughts are negative, repetitive, and serve no real purpose.  It is no secret that your thoughts influence your effectiveness and your...

Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive Distortions  Worrying is not a solution to problems, but rather a non-productive way of thinking. Many individuals often confuse worrying with planning; however planning produces actions while worrying produces more anxiety.  Worrying is often the result of...