22 Steps for Higher Self Esteem: Part 1

People with a good and healthy self-esteem are able to feel good about themselves for who they are, appreciate their own worth, and take pride in their abilities and accomplishments. They also acknowledge that while they’re not perfect and have faults, those faults...

Coping Strategies for the Highly Sensitive Person

The list below are some of the suggested Coping Strategies that Dr. Zeff teaches for the Highly Sensitive Person, they are taken from the website http://drtedzeff.com/tips/coping/ Create a Daily Routine Your morning routine will set the tone for your day while your...

Live Happier and Healthier: 10 Tips to Reduce Stress

According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada (January 2015), stress and stress-related illnesses are on the rise. Stress is so commonplace in our fast-paced society that it seems like a way of life for many. Individuals, workplaces and society as a whole are...

Self Regulation

There is a Native American story called “The Two Wolves.” It starts with an old Cherokee telling his grandson about a battle that often goes on inside people. He says, “My son, the fight is between two wolves. One is evil. It is angry, envious,...

Making a Decision

We all have to make decisions in our life. We make hundreds of small decisions throughout our day. What should we have for lunch? Should I have another cup of coffee? Should I pick up supper or make it at home? These decisions are not usually life changers and are...

Changing A Habit – Part 2

Continued from part 1… Rebel Research suggests that one of the main reasons we persist with bad habits is that so many other people have them too; they are cultural norms. That makes sense: It’s hard to say no to fast-food burgers, French fries, and soda when...